Friday, November 23, 2007

Criminal #2- Mastercard "The Joy of Giving her a Concussion"

So everyone finds those cutesy little Mastercard commericals funny right? 30 second spot: $15,000; Airtime, $10,000; Brainwashing, priceless. For all this and more there's Mastercard. Apparently this Holiday the unstable, overreactive female in YOUR life will be having a concussion because by using your little card of plastic you'll be getting her a new car. Fantabulous for you buddy, but maybe, just MAYBE you'll find that not all women cry, hyperventilate and then collapse on the ground... Oh wait, she's seizuring. What the commercial doesn't tell you!

Now, okay, I can see how this might thrill a woman to no end. I would be stoked to be getting a new car. But crying? Requiring a paperbag? FAINTING? No, I'm sorry, maybe I just come from a very stable home (ha ha...) but none of the women I know.. anywhere, would react like that. There would be screaming for joy, and probably lots of sex, possibly in the back seat of said new car, but I guess they couldn't show that on TV.

For some reason the stereotype of women being excessively emotional towards suprise material objects is still being reinforced, worst of all people buy into it. Now I'm not saying everyone who sees that commerical goes out to get a Mastercard does so with the intent on making a woman faint, that isn't the point of the commercial. It's the shock value (and physical humor) that draws people in. The problem is we're so desensitized to the images we see in the media that things like that brush off of us. It's being passive again, a no-no. Be active in your viewing, you'll start noticing that commericials, ads in magazines, bilboards, they're starting to look a little suspicious, right? Something not sitting right in your gut? That would be your brain, what it's doing in your gut I don't know, but at least it's not shoved up your butt anymore. Just a few more feet and it'll be back in your skull where it belongs, and maybe you'll see the media world around you for what it is: Liable.