Monday, June 22, 2009

Criminal #36- Walmart "You probably could have seen this coming..."

I'm going to make this short and sweet because today is my birthday and I don't want to spend it ranting.
Answer this simple survey:
1) Have you seen the documentary 'Wal-Town'?
-If your answer is no, go rent it.
2) Go here:
-You're thinking 'So what, that was 2003.' Well, yes, yes it was. Imagine what it must be now.

I can't really begin to sum up what I learned from 'Wal-Town'. It was helpful viewing it as a Canadian, because the trip these six activists took were through the biggest Walmarts in Canada. I recognized a few of them (which is difficult because they all look the same).
To whet your appetite a bit more before I start compiling tomorrow:

Can you wait 24 hours? The suspense is killing you, I know! God, Walmart pisses me off.