No, no you're right, I didn't because it was in a dark corner, barely visible in natural light. What's your point Mr. Advertiser? oh, oh I see, you're suggesting her boobs are so perky thanks to fayreform bras that I won't notice a tiny plastic dinosaur taking up 5% of the whole article.
Well, hate to break it to you but I did notice the dinosaur. You know why? Becuase you mentioned it was there, and immediately to me it became a game of Where's Waldo. Who gives a crap about her ultra-perky boobs when there's a dinosaur for me to find?
Really, I think this ad is pretty obvious (in other words I'm too tired to point out all the issues) Half naked woman wearing alarming stilhettos as she sits on a gold plated OH SHIT LADY LOOK OUT THERE'S A T-REX BY YOUR ANKLE. OH MY GOD. OH FUCK, SOMEONE HELP HER. JESUS CHRIST!
Whew, scared me there for a moment, it's just a toy. I'm sorry but to me this ad seems to go against the grain a bit. You bet we didn't notice the T-Rex, but we are now, and I've got to say, it could definately use a fayreform bra because it is flaaaaat.
Not only have they stuck a half nude model into an ad with a T-Rex, but look what she's surrounded by. Mirror, red satin curtains, zebra skin rug... Wait, zebras AND dinosaurs? Jesus, which palientologist are you using?
Not only have they stuck a half nude model into an ad with a T-Rex, but look what she's surrounded by. Mirror, red satin curtains, zebra skin rug... Wait, zebras AND dinosaurs? Jesus, which palientologist are you using?
Okay, so just in case you haven't gotten my point by now... the dinosaur is a distraction. Of course in this case it's not a bad destraction because really, no one in their right mind would ( I hope) want to stare at a womans bountiful breasts while there is a dianosaur to be found. Thank you fayreform, for once you've given us an ad that works completely against you.
dude, did you notice that the leg that's up is WAY too skinny in porportion to her body? Man, someone needs to learn how to photoshop better. :P
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