Now who wants to tell me what's wrong with this picture? I mean, apart from the fact that those guys look like Butterball turkeys (You're next., Christco!), and she's wearing stilettos that would make the Rockets cringe, and she's apparently drowned despite the fact that she isn't wet at all and her makeup is (what the advertisement world would consider) perfect, and that water you see in the background is probably half an inch deep max, and for someone drowning her back is awfully arched, oh, and of course the fact that she's probably going to be gang-raped the minute she shows any sign of life (of course I could be wrong, maybe signs of life don't matter to Butterball turkeys!)
Dolce & Gabbana, *sigh* I couldn't afford you then, I really don't want you now. Now, maybe I'm being a bit unfair, oh wait, no I'm not. Interesting piece of trivia, this specific piece of advertisement was declared illegal by Spain's Labours and Social Affairs ministry, stating that it was humiliating to women (you think?) and her position had nothing to do with the product.
Okay, thank you Spain's Labours and Social Affairs Ministry, but to be fair to D&G, what advertising for a major, high class, whatever-crap, clothing line has ever had anything to do with the product being sold? I'm not going to say none whatsoever, because you know that tomorrow I'll find something to dispute it.
Of course, that in no way justifies this piece of social bullshit. What the hell? Seriously. I'd like to know just what the creators of this ad were thinking? "Oh, let's give the suggestion that maybe she was drowning and the hot, abnormally greasy man was saving her when in reality the image we're trying to convey is that of an abnormally thing (but not greasy) woman about to get gang-raped." Because, if that was what they were trying to accomplish, they did it. Congratulations?
What's even more astonishing is that D&G actually criticized Spain for their complaints, calling them "...behind the times..." I'm sorry, as none-judgemental as I am, as openly as I have been raised, I don't think this is art. I'm disgusted that it counts as advertising. D&G obviously have very, um, unique? ideas of what makes something art. Yes, a cunningly placed nude can be art, a tree with a bush beside it can be art. A woman being pinned down by a greasy man while other equally greasy men look on? No, that's not art. That's actually (and here's the big shocker) what we in the human race call, every womans nightmare. There is nothing, nothing artistic about this piece of advertisement. There's nothing appropriate about it, nothing artistic, nothing that can justify that.
You know what I love most about this disturbing piece of advertisement? The guy on the far right is holding a glass of water... WHY? I don't understand? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME? For the life of me, I will never understand how people, how these major organizations that (for whatever reason) continue to be so pivotal in their respective areas. (Notes, not 'respected' area) So, D&G, you're on the list. More than that, so help me god if I ever see another advertisement like that I will write you such a scathing letter, it'll make my grade 11 letter to Coca-Cola look like a Cole Notes version of 'Pride and Prejudice'... Which, incidentally, is way ahead of the times.
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