Yes, Post-it notes. You stick them on your monitor, you write your grocery list on them. You stick them on the bathroom mirror so your partner wakes up and finds some cutesy little whatever waiting for them. *gag*
And yes, Post-it notes are on the list. Why? It's very simple. Not only does these piece of advertising suggest that men are insensitive jerks (guys be amazed, I'm defending you here) who are totally incapable of remembering the name of the girl they just slept with, and it's (once again) generally degrading to women, to suggest that they aren't important enough to require the memorizing of their name. No, no, why use up that precious brain capacity for things like names when you have Post-it notes?
Just out of curiosity, people who make Post-its: Have you ever used your own product before? Maybe tried sticking it to the forehead of your significant other before you drift off to sleep one night? Yeah, it's not going to be there in the morning. I hate to take this literally but when it comes right down to it, the product isnt that fantastic and the advertising is painfully straight forward.
Now, I may not be the nicest girl in the world. I'm bitter and cynical and yeah, I'm a feminist when it comes right down to it, but come on, give the male gender a little credit! As absent minded as they can be (in regards to things that the female gender may recall ((it works vice versa so don't think I'm attacking men)) they don't need Post-it notes that badly. What this ad is suggesting, when you get right down to it, is that relationships in this day and age have degraded into a state of total indifference, when you don't need 'together time' to get to know your partner. The relationship has broken down into a purely physical meeting and requires no emotional investment or time. After all, why waste a few precious minutes finding out she was named after Jane Bennett from Pride and Prejudice, or her favorite flower is a lily, or that she has a fear of grasshoppers? Personal information is useless, just slap a Post-it note on it and you'll never have to go through the awkward "Do you know what day it is?" schpeel.
Products like Post-it notes are out there to make your life easier, at least that's what they want you to believe. However we have to consider that perhaps in an effort to make life simpler, we're giving up on morals, and the power of relationships. Post-it would have you believe that it's too late for that now, we are in a new age after all. But I've got to say, it's never too late to ask her what she's afraid of and put some effort into memorizing it.
Damn. well done on finding something it'll be hard to obstain from buying now! Finally Buy and Die settles into its true purpose! (saving me money!!!) :P well done.
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