Now, obviously I've edited them, badly, to get out the logos. Fortunately for both of us the logos are the only, only identifying feature of the two ads. Without them, you have no way to know what's being advertised do you? To me the first one doesn't even make sense, what is that? Oil? Is her hair turning into oil? I'm all for insanely creative (possibly drug infused) images, but there's a limit. When you've got a young woman spreading herself out like that, (See Dolce and Gabbana) with such obvious sexual connotations, you have to wonder, what has that got to do with the product?
As for the second bilboard, that makes even less sense to me. On first glance I would assume they were advertising chupa chups or something, I mean she is sucking... Oh, I get it now. And what with her boob half hanging out like that, how could we have no seen it sooner? Our society is so obsessed with age. Older men chasing after girls half their age, women determined to smother themselves in this mask or that in hopes of taking away just a few of the old lines. Now we have ads with someone, probably my age, that's giving guys boners while they think "Holy shit, if I buy that product she'll do that to ME." Crude, I know, and true. Ad companies don't gtive guys enough credit as far as the brain department goes. Believe it or not, some of them actually do think with things other than their penises.
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That's right, Lee jeans. Now tell me, did you at any point in time think to yourself "Wow, I want to go buy a pair of jeans because that's obviously what that bilboard and ad must be advertising."
I didn't. Of course the tempation to visit the nearest red light district in total secrecy did strike my fancy but I managed to supress it because I have this thing called integrity I choose not to compromise daily. Those don't even look like jeans. And you, girl with the oil hair, you have serious hemoglobin issues! Your pale skin is not a good thing! Your childish outift is just another attempt by a raging corporation to hide the line between child and adult, "I'm a big kid now" is it? At least pampers isn't selling condoms.

And in a more artistic view, look at the colours they use. The first one has very light colours, lots of white to show a persons innocence, lots of black to show the dark sort of side we all have, and then the red. Red is a sexual colour. Red is the colour of the satin sheets you lay out before a steamy night. Red, whether we like to admit it or not, has always been a sexual colour. Where is the red in the first picture? Think about where your eyes are being drawn?
And the second one, red finger nails, red lollypop, and a red belt all amongst darker shades of blue so they really 'pop' (that's not all that's about to pop, if you get my drift.) It's strange, but true, without realizing it those colours mean a lot to us. But that's all part of being passive viewers. We don't notice the colour, we only notice the message of the colour. "These girls are hot, and young, and if I buy or wear Lee jeans, they'll be hot and young with me."