Okay, okay, bare with me, this isn't going to be a "The Bible says that but then you do this" rant or "There is no God, science proves that" Rant. I don't care what you believe, or how you believe it. I, personally, think having a faith of some sort, in at least a minuscule amount can be good for a person which is why whenever anyone asks me what my religion is I always tell them that I believe in a higher power which is possibly a woman, or maybe a cat. I'm not sure.
However, just because you believe (or don't) in something doesn't mean you have the right to force others to believe (or not) in whatever it is. (Sorry, I'm listening to Hawksley Workman right now so my level of distraction is pretty high. And in case anyone is wondering, yes the concert was fantastic and I borrowed some money so I officially own all 10 of his albums. Yay me!)
While hunting on AdFreak (
http://adweek.blogs.com/adfreak), my new favorite place to find advertisements, I noticed this bizarre number of Anti-Atheism and Anti-Religion ads being put out by the religious folks and atheists respectively. I wasn't going to pay much attention to, again, believe what you want. I don't necessarily think that either idea should be shoved down our throats, and I'd like to be able to walk down the street without being told I'm either wrong for believing whatever I do, or I'm going to hell because I don't believe enough. Sort of like Separation of Church and State I suppose.
Okay, yes, whatever you want. I guess if you have the money to waste then go right ahead but here's what caught my attention (it isn't shown on the Advocate website, I'm quoting from the Newspaper itself) this mini bolded byline:
Ron Collins, with Calgary Transit, said there will be six buses carrying the Freethought Association message for one month.
Um, okay? Key word there being Freethought. Naturally I assumed that was what I was doing when I decided that I wanted to believe in something but I guess maybe all those years of being brainwashed have finally come back to bite me in the asswaiddaminute.
This begs the question, are people, Atheists or Religious folks alike, really so thick that they can't notice their own hypocrisy? Yes, I'm aware there is lots of it throughout all religions, whatever.
Believe what you want people, I don't give a flying fuck. The important thing is to believe what you want and not be influenced by anyone, idiots at the so-called 'Freethought Association' or whoever. So that's my rant, I'm putting the Freethought Association on the list, also, mind control cults, because they make me laugh.
Kelti, if you are reading this, I still really, really want to infiltrate a cult one day, are you still game? (Wait, were you the one I suggested that to? You probably were because I think you're the only one crazy enough to go along with my bizarre schemes.)
And now, for some other Anti-Atheism and Anti-Religion ads for your enjoyment.

Yes, I am the person you mentioned that to, and YES, I'm still game.
Nice job on all these new posts, I particularly like how you left the pantene one to draw our own conclusions...awesome!
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