Tuesday, March 31, 2009
...And continues
"An employee may quit their job and file a complaint with ES alleging that they were forced to leave or constructively dismissed. Employment Standards will accept and investigate complaints in such circumstances. Each case will be decided on its own particular facts and the reasons for the action taken by the employer.
The act of quitting must be a voluntary one on the part of the employee. If it is not, the employer will be found to have terminated the employee.While the Code does not specifically refer to constructive dismissal in the context of employee termination, an employee's reasons for quitting must be considered when assessing whether the employee's actions were voluntary.
Constructive dismissal arises when an employer unilaterally does something so contrary to the employment relationship that the action forces the employee to quit.Actions which can be considered to be constructive dismissal include:a significant change in employment status or working conditions.a dramatic reduction in wages without proper notice.In cases of constructive dismissal, the act of quitting by the employee is not voluntary. For this reason, the employer will be required to provide termination pay."
Iiiiinteresting La Senza...
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Brapocalypse Continues...
Interesting note, during my insane search of the internet on Friday to find a proper way to file a formal complaint with head office, I located this little jem: http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2003-05-08/news_feature.php
The basic gist of it is that Gina Form is one of the few labour factories on that side of the world (Bangkok to be exact) that had a union, decent wages, and offered basic human rights to their employees. Well around 2003 new management took over and fired 40 union members and began to harass employees to sign new employment contracts that denied them these rights and other bullshit.
So what does La Senza do? Cuts ties with Gina Form.
No, you employ these people, you arguably have some amount of power in this situation. It is up to you, as a giant, evil, North American corporation to use this power for good ( I wish ). I don't know who makes the bras now, or where we get them. I also don't know what happened to Gina Form. All I do know is that factories that are supplying their employees with basic human rights, instead of, say, forcing them to work 12 hour days till their fingers bleed, need to be protected and supported. La Senza could have gotten involved, foreign conflict or not, and put a stop to this sort of management abuse.
Then again, we all know what La Senza thinks about management...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Criminal #35: La Senza "The Brapocalypse Has Begun"
Let me say this right off the bat; La Senza, I am taking you down. It might take me a month, it might take me a year but you will pay for the injustices you have laid upon good people. You will pay for firing the best manager and regional supervisor, two of the nicest people I have ever met. You will pay for being a morally reprehensible corporation. You. Will. Pay.
Here's the low down:
I began working at La Senza, a Canadian bra emporium (Think Victoria's Secret for Canada and parts of Europe) just two months ago. At the time there were two people in charge (Names changed for the safety and concern of the people involved.) Annie, the regional supervisor (as I understand it she looked after the four stores in our city, two La Senza's and two La Senza Girl's, one of each for the two malls in town.) There was also Lily (I totally suck at changing names, HA!) who was the store manager for us, STORE 207. THAT IS 207, BOWER MALL, RED DEER, ALBERTA.
Here is the basic timeline of what happened:
-Roughly three weeks in to my working, Annie is let go citing her position is being cut all along Canada. She has been with the company for years and could easily run our store single handedly. The staff are all very sad to see her leave but we keep going, after all we still have Lily.
-Two to three weeks after that, during Lily's day off (Very important point), the new supervisor of the area (information about this is sketchy) CHRISTY (oh my god, that's her real name) brings in May, the new 'Co-Manager' of not only 207, but the La Senza girl across from us, as well as the La Senza girl up at Parkland, the other mall on the other side of town. Remember, this was on Lily's day off, none of us, least of all Lily knew that May was coming. No one was informed about the new management position being created DESPITE several assistant managers and team leaders (key holders) being told in the past that should management positions open, they would be given first shot at it. We are all stunned.
-At this point alarm bells are going off. May puts no effort into getting to know anyone. Christy is being silent about the whole issue. I see Lily that day, she, one of the nicest people I know, looks mightily pissed off.
-Two weeks later (roughly) a Wednesday, Lily walks out. She has had enough.
And here's the roaming theory about what happened: Annie's position was cut, okay, I get that. Costs and what not. She was offered a management position which she declined, it would have been a step down for her.
Lily walks. Why does she walk? Very simple, along with the insanely passive aggressive actions of head office (IE: bringing in NEW MANAGEMENT without informing the MANAGER and on her day off no less) they drove Lily away. Now, I know we can easily say "Well, stand up for yourself. Don't take it." But remember, these are women. Women are bitches. I'm allowed to say that because A) I'm a woman B) I'm really pissed off and C) It wasn't that long ago that I was in high school and I can clearly remember the evil that was every girl I went to school with. We are conniving, we are bitter, we are cruel. And if she didn't walk, they would have fired her sooner or later.
OKAY, so after some venting, and silent rebellion by the staff, most of us seem to be getting used to May. I figured a lot of our rage against her was just misdirected. We were really, subconsciously pissed off at head office.
That was until last week, when I arrived and was told by several of the girls that May was mad because I missed a shift. Um, what? Apparently, so did my counterpart, who works the other half of the part time stock girl shift, we'll just call her L. for now because I can't think of anything else. Well, L had already cleared her days off with Lily, so this was easily cleared up, and May claims that she never made those comments about MY missed shifts. I give her the benefit of the doubt.
Wednesday, March 25th. There are 16, count them, 16 job interviews going on that day. There are not that many positions available. The thoughts of the staff? They're trying to do to us what they did to Lily.
Even then, I was willing to ignore that, I mean, I'm just a lowly stock girl, right? Why replace me? Together L and I make this great team, she takes half the shifts, I take the other half, and then we cross paths and get loads of stuff done all at once. It's great. It worked for the last two months. For the last two weeks or so we had been hearing that May was looking to hire a full time stock girl. Okay, that means our jobs are about to get cut. I wasn't too worried because I had been hired under the assumption that in a few months I would move to full time. (I had a back surgery in December and was just waiting to fully heal before I started. I discussed with with April- I mean May, OOPS, last week before my last Doctor's appointment. She did not follow up with me. Let me add at this point that Lily was uber concerned about my condition. Granted, that's not important to the story, but that says a lot about the character of the manager when one of them is constantly asking you if you need to go home early and the other one doesn't give a flying fuck.)
Okay, so L and I are in working this morning, two days after the major job interviews. Mal, EX-Assistant manager (because apparently her old job got cut too) comes in and tells us "There's a new full time stock girl."
L and I just stare.
Yes, there is a new full time stock girl. Ignore the fact that L and I make up one full time position AND the company doesn't have to pay benefits to us. May still felt the need to hire someone to replace us.
Just who is this someone?
She is a 17 year old drop out.
I won Most Inspirational Student when I graduated. She hasn't even been able to get that far.
So, of course I went from thinking "It's not personal" to "It's fucking personal, this fucking company, I'm going to fucking take them down." Which is what I plan on doing, somehow.
Why is she doing this? Simple, when May took over she got one hell of a rebellion, no one bothered to hide their discontent with the whole situation, Lily was forced out of her job. It was terrible, cruel, and wrong on many levels. May knows she can't win over the staff (in fact, I don't think she ever planned on it seeing as how she never bothered to get to know us at all.) So she begins to hire new people, making us feel as though we're being replaced, which of course we are. Legally, they can't fire most of us (I am the exception as I haven't been employed for 90 days yet) without reason. Technically they would have to cut all the positions and rename them to fire everyone, lest they face the wrath of human resources.
What can we do about it? Not a damn thing, because it goes further than just May. Another coworker, we'll call her D, contacted Christy, regional supervisor, after Lily walked, and what did Christy say? "Did she leave her key?"
That says something right there. When the first response to an excellent manager walking isn't "Holy shit, what happened?" but "Did she leave her key?" That tells me that this was planned, this was intentional. This childish, high school attitude to shun people and force them out of the popular clique that is La Senza, disgusts me in every way possible. So who can we go to? When May is a bitch, Christy is her mistress, and everyone above them are completely clueless? What do you do? Take things into your own hands, that's what. Along with getting several testimonies from my ex coworkers, I plan on filing a formal complaint to human resources, and raising more than a little bit of hell (and anyone who knows me, knows I'm capable of it.)
So here's what I need from you: Do not buy from La Senza. Direct people you know to this article and convince them not to buy from La Senza. If anyone has any legal expertise at all, or suggestions at how I can go about getting some justice please let me know. Apart from filing complaints and burning bras at protests, I'm fresh out of ideas. Either way, I'm walking next friday (I can easily get a reference from Annie or Lily, so I'm not too worried. Plus, I made friends with a guy at a mall kiosk looking to hire someone and he said he'd give me a call.)
I'll be fine. But you, La Senza Canada (Specifically store 207 in Bower Mall, Red Deer.) You will not be fine. You are about to have this shit blow up in your face. And I will be there smiling all the goddamned way.
I almsot forgot to add, not once were any of us A) introduced to the new people or B) told that new people were coming (let a lone a new stock girl.) Why not? Why not have a staff meeting and say "You know, I'm going to be hiring five new people..." You know why? Because they're replacements, not additions.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Criminal #34 LEGO "Legooooonoooo"

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Criminal #33 PETA "...Seawhatnow?"

Criminal #32 Yoplait "Can I get some chocolate covered sexism with that?"
When? When, when, when, when will the sexism end? That's my new song. It's pretty catchy. It even sort of rhymes, which is amazing because I'm a woman and logically I shouldn't be able to get my mind off of either chocolate, shopping, or shopping for chocolates (in chocolate shoes apparently.)
Now, I love yogurt. I'm a huge yogurt person. It's tangy, and sweet, and smooth and so very delicious.
Yoplait makes yogurt un-delicious. Yoplait makes me want to take my chocolate handgun and go postal. There will be milk duds flying everywhere, strawberry carnage, blueberries massacred on the sidewalk.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a spa treatment would be awesome, and eating yogurt during said spa treatment would probably be... well, like eating yogurt during a spa treatment. Buy why, out of every possible activity imaginable, did Yoplait choose to show those two women in a spa? Ignoring for the fact that they couldn't get their heads off of the chocolatey goodness topic, why couldn't they have been discussing it while skydiving? Or rescuing hostages from a 1904 day old standoff in Israel? Or maybe, I don't know, in an office, doing a job like normal people? Or, and here's something that will absolutely blow. your. mind.
Why couldn't MEN have been enjoying that yogurt? I'll tell you why. Because society has made yogurt a health-conscious thing, and as we all know, women are far, far more health conscious than men, at least according to the advertising we see. Yes, there is absolutely no way yogurt would be considered a manly snack (Yoplait now in malt liquor flavor?) So of course, they had to bring in the women to enjoy the yogurt... while at the spa... discussing shoes...and chocolate... and something about marrying a masseuse, I don't know I was tuning it out by the end there.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Criminals #29 and 30 Those Religious and Athiest Ads On Buses "Does Your Religion or Lack There Of Understand Hypocrisy?"
Ron Collins, with Calgary Transit, said there will be six buses carrying the Freethought Association message for one month.
Um, okay? Key word there being Freethought. Naturally I assumed that was what I was doing when I decided that I wanted to believe in something but I guess maybe all those years of being brainwashed have finally come back to bite me in the asswaiddaminute.
This begs the question, are people, Atheists or Religious folks alike, really so thick that they can't notice their own hypocrisy? Yes, I'm aware there is lots of it throughout all religions, whatever.
Believe what you want people, I don't give a flying fuck. The important thing is to believe what you want and not be influenced by anyone, idiots at the so-called 'Freethought Association' or whoever. So that's my rant, I'm putting the Freethought Association on the list, also, mind control cults, because they make me laugh.
Kelti, if you are reading this, I still really, really want to infiltrate a cult one day, are you still game? (Wait, were you the one I suggested that to? You probably were because I think you're the only one crazy enough to go along with my bizarre schemes.)
And now, for some other Anti-Atheism and Anti-Religion ads for your enjoyment.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Criminal #28 Skittles ("Ah... awww...")
This one made me think of my brother, Greg, who seems to have made it his life's mission to hunt down a cheaply made, mail order, Asian suit for 30 bucks. I don't think he's succeeded so far.
So let's examine this one for stupidity first, shall we?
Firstly, "Wait, I don't have..." No, sir, you do not have a package of Skittles in you're jacket pocket. You know what else you don't have? The genetic coding to make you Asian or African American, or Hispanic. I know this may comes as a shock to you but... well, you're whiter than Conan O'Brian's upper thighs, so really, the shock of having no Skittles shouldn't come as that big of a surprise to you.
Now, yes, I know, that was the point of the commercial. Oh haha, silly white man doesn't notice three separate reflections in the mirror but he does notice candy! Oh ha ha ha! Aaah. Yes, I get it, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid. Even getting passed the idiocy of that we have to look at the certain roles being played here.
1) White man getting a nicely tailored suit by kindly old Asian man. Three cheers for White Power? Personally, looking at it, I would have to say I would have found it a little more comical if it was an Asian man getting tailored (by anyone of any race) only to discover that he has A) No Skittles and B) is actually secretly a white man (perhaps Conan could have been free to play the reflective image?)
Getting passed the all other elasticities unobservant to the white man issue for a moment, (and ignoring the fact that the Hispanic guy and African American are all like, Meh, whateves man, I'm looking pretty spiffy in this new suit. Chshaaa.) We have, yet another commercial, stereotyping men as being idiots except where one of the three golden things come in (Food, fucking, and fast cars.) I guarantee you if it had been a woman standing there they would have made her freak out. "Jesus Christ, I-I'm black? Oh my god, over here I'm Hispanic!" And then she would have had a total melt down and it probably would have turned into an ad for Always or something like that.
The next stereotype? Asian freak out. We don't even know what they're saying but I can assume it is something along these lines.
"You are eating Skittles! Stop it!"
"I am a decendant of the Emperor, I can do what I want!"
"Skittles are not appropriate Emperor snacks!"
"My uncle was Bruce Lee! My Mother is Jackie Chan! I will cut you!" *Mirror smash*
Because, in case you haven't noticed, Asians have three stereotypes as well. They all know hand to hand combat and resort to that whenever an argument arises, they're all terrible drivers, and they're all math geniuses.
Don't blame me, that's what commercials have taught me, and this one certainly isn't showing me any different as far as numero uno goes.
So ask yourself this? What was it that the Asian reflection was the one freaking out? Why not the Hispanic one? Or the African American one? If you're thinking "because he speaks the same language as the shop keeper and it makes sense" ask yourself this, why is Conan O'Brian's White Upper thigh getting served by an Asian? Can he speak the language fluently? If so, why didn't he jump in when they started freaking out on each other? I certainly would if I was in between two people yelling at each other (especially if one knew how to kick like that.)
The biggest problem I have with this commercial is that it brings up too many questions. There are all these different things going on, tiny points that counter each other, leading me to think "So what the hell was the point of that?"
Yes, I'm all for "Reflecting the rainbow" or "Tasting the rainbow", whatever. But, um... Why? Just... just why, Skittles?
Criminal #27 ShamWow "They'll be saying 'SHAAAAAM'"
(Hi Vince!)
So I'm sure I can't be the only person in the world absolutely sick to death of the ShamWow. Everywhere I go, with absolutely anyone I'm with, I hear the same thing. "Oh, have you tried the ShamWow? They're amazing!"
Well, I don't have a Shamwow handy to test, however I do have an abundance of internet claims as well as several testimonies and... eyes. (thanks to Fred Taub from Boycott somethingarathereIcan'trememberbutI'llgiveyoucreditwhenIdo for a lot of the points I would have missed if he hadn't mentioned them.)
First thing is first. What the hell is with the headset, dude? Who are you talking to? Oh my god, are you getting lines fed to you? Dear god, Vince has been brainwashed, for the love of god, we have to help him!
Okay, I'm good now. So you claim it is like a towel, eh? Like a shammy? Like a sponge? Quick, to the e-dictionary!
"Towel Definition: A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying anything wet, as the person after a bath. "
Okay, so assuming we're a little open minded here, and for the most part I am not when it comes to advertising (why do you listen to me then, hmm? Could it be because I make good points?!) Then along with cleaning up a spill of whatever, soda, water, what have you, the shamwow should also be totally badass when you step out of a bath, right?
From popularmechanics.com, a consumers claim about the shamwow "Drying off after a swim was an experience in exfoliation, with the Shamwow rubbing it in at about 220 grit. It was very light in the backpack on the way to the swimming hole, however. Caught in the rain, it can wipe you down from forehead to pant leg. And after a shower, it makes for a decent bath mat. In the kitchen, it's too coarse to use as a towel and too stiff to be a napkin, but it can scour a stovetop and it's not a bad place mat. On food spills, it works better on thinner liquids—wine, yes; tomato sauce, no. "
So basically if I want the spa experience of a life time, as well as no outer layer of skin, then yes, the shamwow would make for an awesome bath towel, just so we can clarify.
Next... "The Germans always make good stuff." Yeah, that Nazi Party was pretty badass.
Okay, now for the infamous Cola-coffee-human fluid tests. Watch the cartpet *very* carefully. Take note of the shape of the stain. I know you're thinking "But Kathleen, a liquid would spread on some kind of carpeting." Okay, yes, except the liquid has CLEARLY totally sunken through and leeched onto the table, as we can see with the lovely mess Vince is making. Are you ready?
When he lifts that piece of carpeting up at around the 00:42 mark, that liquid concoction is everywhere, I mean that table is a sticky mess of human recess and month old cola (probably taken out of my fridge, seeing as how he never specifically said Pepsi or Coke. The generic stuff is just as good, people! Trust me!)
Following the frame where he puts the carpet back down (00:46) something very interesting has happened. Why, what's that? Where's that sticky mess that was leeching out from beneath the carpet swatch moments ago? That's right, there is absolutely no mess under that carpet. So what did they do? They cleaned it up, maybe they used a shamwow for it, maybe they didn't (betting on the latter) but either way, their whole case for the shamwow has just been broken.
Not to mention the size of the stain, and the shape varies from camera cut to camera cut, and I don't mean it's just gotten bigger. The size of the fairly tiny stain grows surprisingly fast and then magically disappears by the time Vince is ready to show us the awesome power of the ShamWow! Oh my god, the sheer thought power of the ShamWow has already begun the absorbtion process, it's a miracle!
Final word: Just a sham, check out the complaintsboard for a few testimonies:
Remember to beware of imitators, they're called rags and you can make them out of old t-shirts that have been ripped, which... I guess would actually make more sense than spending the money on an entirely new product that is pretty pointless.
Seriously though, what is with the head set? He has one in the Slap Chop infomercial too. Where the hell are they coming from?