Friday, February 27, 2009

Criminal #26- RBC Royal Bank of Canada "Where's my money, mother f*ckers?"

I'm sure some of you remember my lovely rant about Banks last year when I first began working at HMV and tried to get a new account with BMO. That was one of my finer moments, I have to say -- oh well shit, they just called me back and they were very cordial... but that doesn't change a damn thing! *angry face*.

So here's how it went down. Me, started new job at La Senza (yes, I'm aware of the irony of me working at a lingerie store.) Me, get blank check from bank for direct deposit. Bank, give check. Me work like a bunny, get first pay stub. Me, going to awesome concert tomorrow, having lost bank card, go to bank today to get new card so I can buy hot clothes for concert.

Me, have no money.

Me: WTF? I got paid last week, I only spent $15 bucks out of the check! Wth?! Nice bank associate, tells me to stop weeping, shows me bank account history. Me, thank god, no one has stolen money from account, I just didn't get paid.

Wait, what?

Me, gets angry, goes to work, politely points out issue to nice boss. Nice Boss, examines new papers and old papers and discovers... Dun dun duuuuun, the bank gave me the wrong transit number, so currently someone on the east coast has my money. I have to go back in tomorrow to get the cash back (yaaaaay) but thanks to weekend banking I won't have the money officially until Monday, which is two days too late for me to buy cds at the Hawksley Workman concert.

Thanks a lot Royal Bank. I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly but I think maybe someone needs to work on the system a little bit more. That's my mini rant for now, I've got some stuff I'll post later tonight.

Also, I totally found my old bank card the minute I got home, go me.


Anonymous said...

WOW. I would flip my fucking LID if that happened.
*WEEPS* alas! No beautiful Hawksley! Woot about going to a concert though!