So firstly, I'm sorry I've been gone. November was NaNoWriMo (I won! Wooot) and then I just just (five days ago) had back surgery so not only am I drugged up, jobless, and in pain, I've got some vengeance to dole out and YES you, old job, you're going to be very soon, very, very soon. However for now we have a bit of change, folks. Today's little piece of disturbing advertising shows something a bit new, mainly violence against men. Now traditionally we don't end up seeing much crap like this, I guess because in the eyes of ad execs. it's usually done "tastefully" (snort). I'm not quite sure what is tasteful about the following, maybe you can help me: 

Ookay, so what do we have here? Girl on top of boy dressed in cowboy-esque attire, guy clearly enjoying something, and a sickle.
A sickle.
So, it might just be the drugs talking but I think, I think that sickle is supposed to represent a whip. Obviously the woman is enjoying herself and not really considering what is going to happen in 3.4 seconds when she goes to slap him and make him move faster (arterial spray is fast, maybe that's what they're going for?)
Like I said, violence towards men isn't exactly common and when you do see it, generally it is more of a kinky sort of thing which makes the weaker of both sexes go Oo and I guess titter a bit but the problem is glorifying violence against either gender is wrong. Of course women are commonly viewed as the weaker sex (because we, as you know, just have the ability to push cat sized objects through spaces as big as a garden hose. Thank you Cindal for that. ;)) And because we're viewed as 'weaker' we are for the most part, on the receiving side of the violence in the media, so when you see something like that with a guy about to get... I don't even really know, for the most part we don't bat an eye.
Is our world really so boring that those in charge with coming up with these ideas can't think of anything else apart from violence? I get that we're surrounded by it, and the fact that today's youth is for the most part desensitized towards it certainly helps make their case, but I don't know, somehow wearing a pair of pants that would get me killed by a sickle really isn't that enticing... Maybe that's just me.
In other news:
I'm really drugged up right now, all happy hospital drugs of course, but the years (because this is the 5th time I've done this) has taught me that I can't actually really spell or form coherent sentences when on them, so I apologize for the above post.
Seeing as how the year is coming to an end (hard to believe) I've decided I'm extending my plan. Anyone taking part (hi mom!) doesn't have to continue with me, but the fact that I haven't bought post it notes for a whole year and I HAVEN'T gone into cardiac arrest is a good reason to continue. So New Years Eve is going to be filled with a giant rant about the above place of work, and New Years Day I will present a series of some of the more and less offensive (for obvious reasons) photos I can locate without large explanations, they'll be added to the list, which should help get this new year rolling (one of them is Lego, fyi.)